Weekly Evaluation Friday 9th October2020

Friday 9th October 2020

It’s been another busy week of learning in Year 4. We’ve started doing ‘Missions’ this week in our topic lessons and I was so impressed with the way in which the children completed the tasks. They certainly are mission experts! We had some fantastic work produced in the major and minor tasks session. The children had the opportunity to explore their senses imagining what they would see, think, feel, smell and hear when they arrived in Wales from London for the first time as an evacuee in 1939. They also wrote letters home as evacuees which were insightful and touching to read.

Our non-chronological reports on animals were amazing and thanks so much to all of you who supported your child with the research at home.

Maths has been great too! We have been focusing on mental multiplication and division. Please keep a focus on learning the 3, 6 and 9 times table at home. This week we discovered that if you double your 3 times table you get the 6 times table. Also, if you treble the 3 times table you have the 9 times table. We’ve also been adding 9 to numbers; we found a really simple strategy to do this. Instead of having to put the biggest number in our head, and use our fingers to count on. We just add 10 to the number and then subtract 1. These strategies are making us clever mathematicians.

We have sent home usernames and passwords this week. Activelearn is the same as the hwb username and password (but without the @hwbcymru.net). Please encourage the children to become familiar with logging on, as we use the Chrome books weekly during guided reading activities. It’s important to enter the information carefully to avoid being locked out of the account.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Miss H Hughes and Mrs Jones

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