Year 4 Weekly Evaluation 16th October 2020

This week has been filled with lots of lovely learning. Our topic sessions have been enjoyable and it’s been great to watch the children working more independently during the mission tasks. It’s truly an honour to work with such hard working and conscientious young people.

We have focused on question words ‘Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why? How?’ in response to stimulus pictures of children being evacuated in 1939 and they wrote some fantastic question sentences as a result. We also have a focus on making our sentences more interesting by using the connectives ‘and, but, so, because’ in our writing. The children really have worked well to improve their writing skills.

Next week we’ll be writing a non-chronological report about different kinds of shelters and comparing Anderson, Morrison and public shelters used in WW2 with modern day shelters which are necessary to home people when they find themselves in time of need.

In maths we’ve been using our knowledge of times tables to complete grid multiplications and have also been working on unit fractions of amounts. It’s been lovely to see the children being so enthusiastic as they expand their knowledge of times tables. I know that many of the children have been working at home to learn them and thank you for the time you have spent supporting them, as their learning is certainly a partnership between parent and teacher.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.

Kind regards

Miss H Hughes and Mrs Jones

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