Year 2 – Weekly Evaluations – 15/04/21

This week in literacy we have been listening to lots of poets reciting poems. They all had different ways of writing them. Some had rhyming words, some had repetition and some were very funny. We are going to be poets next week and have a go at writing our own!!

In numeracy we have been working with larger numbers. We made out own number lines and estimated where different numbers would be. We partitioned these numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. We played lots of games to help us remember their value.

We found out our new topic this term is ‘Life on an Ocean Wave’. We learnt a song about habitats and are looking forward to finding out what animals live in the Ocean.


Year 2 – Evaluation – 4/12/20

We have been learning how to tell the time this week. We learnt o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We looked at analogue clocks and digital clocks.

The sound of the week was /er/. We made a long list of words with this sound. We learnt about similes this week and how they make our writing more exciting. eg. as brave as a charging knight and Santa’s beard is as fluffy as a bunny’s tail.

Tuesday was the best day of the week! We dressed up for our Christmas concert and went into the hall and we filmed our parts. It was really exciting and Mr Hyett said we were all super stars! We cant wait to see the DVD.

Weekly Evaluations – Year 2 – 27/11/20

We had so much fun painting our cavemen tools, jewellery and instruments this week.  Everyone said they looked amazing!

We learnt the ‘ue’ sound this week and we found this sound in lots of words. We looked at past and present tense, for example, today I brush my hair but yesterday I brushed my hair.

We learnt about arrays.

6 + 6 + 6 = 18

3 lots of 6 = 18

3 x 6 = 18


Mrs Edmunds said all of the costumes look great! Diolch!




Weekly Evaluation – Year 2 – 20.11.20

We have all had a great week!

This week we have all had a turn at ‘being the teacher’. We used a green pen to correct any errors in a piece of writing. We looked for missing capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We worked hard to improve our handwriting.  Mrs Edmunds was really pleased to give out more pen licenses to some boys and girls.

We are really good now at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We looked at other number patterns too and tried to spot what the different patterns might be.

Our favourite activity this week though was finding out what hobbies and activities cavemen and cave ladies used to do. It was so much fun making our own stone age jewellery, tools and musical instruments. We are really looking forward to painting them all next week.

We are really excited to see each others Christmas costumes next week and practising our parts in the hall!

Year 2 – Evaluations – 13/11/20


This week we have been reinforcing our understanding of place value and what the numbers actually mean.  We used number flashcards, number lines, beadstrings and online games to help us.

We have worked hard to write longer, more interesting sentences in our literacy lessons this week. We can now write sentences with conjunctions ‘and’ /’but’.

We all had so much fun today! Our class was so bright and colourful. We exercised with Joe Wicks and Pudsey, took turns to pin on Pudsey’s eye patch, drew detailed drawings of Pudsey and held our own fashion show!

Please complete your weekly spellings on J2blast on HWB. There is a support sheet to help you.

Year 2 – Evaluations – 22/10/20

This week we have been busy getting ready for Halloween. We have decorated the classroom with our own pumpkins. We enjoyed our hotdogs in the Halloween Party and played pass the parcel, musical chairs and musical statues. We also had our own little disco in class.

In English this week we finished writing the beginning of our own stories. We read our stories to our friends and looked for any mistakes in our writing. We had a go at correcting them with our green pens. On Wednesday the whole school watched us retell the story ‘Funny Bones’ on HWB. Mrs Herbert said we were amazing and give us all 5 dojos!!

In Maths we have been  recognising different coins and practising making different amounts and giving change. Mrs Edmunds set us a money investigation. It was a little bit tricky but lots of fun.

In Topic work we have been finding out about the types of homes we live in. We learnt that most of us live in semi-detached houses. We created a graph on J2e to show how many live in a semi-detached, detached or in a terrace house. We had a go at writing our addresses.

Next week is half term, over the holiday we need to read our online books.

Year 2 – Weekly Evaluations – 16/10/20

It has been an exciting week!

This week we innovated our own stories using the ‘Funny Bones’ story to help us with our ideas. We started to write our own introductions. We thought of really good ideas for our characters and the story setting.

We practises doubling and halving. We found halves and quarters of shapes and we found halves and quarters of quantities.

We found out what caveman like to eat. We learnt how they couldn’t go to the shops but had to hunt for their food and gather berries and nuts. They had to cook their food over an open fire.

Our favourite activity was making a moving hand.

Year 2 – Weekly Evaluation – 09/10/20

This week has been so much fun!

We were really excited to film our story ‘Funny Bones’. We remembered each part of the story brilliantly and retold it using clear, loud voices. We worked together to think of good actions to help us act out the words too. When we finished we watched it on our C-Touch in class. It was so fun seeing each other on the screen. We can’t wait for our mums and dads to see it on HWB next week!

This week we were learning about weight. We measured different things on a balance scale to find what was heavy and light. We counted blocks to see how many we would need to balance different food. We put this information into a block graph. We were really good at answering questions about it.

We looked at what we need to eat to help us be healthy. We found out you need to have lots of fruit and vegetables, some carbohydrates, protein and dairy and also a little bit of fat every day.

Though the best part of the week was eating lots of cake, it was sooo yummy!!

Year 2 – Weekly Evaluations – 2/10/20

We’ve had a great week!

We practised the ‘ng’ sound and found lots of words with these letters. Mrs Edmunds was really proud of us all when we had our spelling test today!! Gwych!

We are really enjoying the Funny Bones story and like all of the speech bubbles in the book. We practised writing our own speech bubbles and had a go at writing sentences with speech marks – ” sixty six and ninety nine.”

We have been working really hard to know our numbers  to a 100 and can say what the value of the digits are. Knowing our number bonds to 10 really helped us to add three digits together too.

It was lots of fun learning the funny bones dance and we are looking forward to recording it next week for our mums and dad to see!

Blog 6.3.20

Blog 6.3.20


This week was Welsh week.

We held an Eisteddfod where we sang songs like Daw Hyfryd Fis and Cenwch y Clychau i Dewi. We did Dawnsio Gwerin to the song Jac y Do. We did this in our Welsh clothes.

We made lots of crafts like daffodils, leeks, Welsh dragons and we wrote sentences about why we are proud to be Welsh.

We spent lots of time and effort learning how to stitch and we created beautiful Wales inspired patches that we will be bringing home today. It was tricky to begin with, but once we got the hang of it, we were on a roll! It was hard work, but very worthwhile.

We made Welsh Cakes. We weighed the ingredients and mixed everything together. Then Miss Bowen cooked them for us. YUM!


Blog written by Year 2.