Year 4 Weekly Evaluation 6th November 2020

The children have been very well behaved and hardworking this week. We have had a lot of pleasure creating our Blitz display board and its quite literally a work of Art! It’s been wonderful to see the children working so well as a team.

We have been busy making a start on Imagery Poetry and the children will be writing their own WW2 Blitz imagery poem next week. We’ve looked at lexical sets relating to WW2, identified features of imagery poems and have completed a Blitz senses spidergram. If you could think of some similes over the weekend that could be added to their poems next week that would be great. A Simile compares two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’.E.g. He was as cool as a cucumber. Her smile was bright like the sun. Also, if you could think of a metaphor, that would be very useful. A Metaphor is a comparison of two things that does not use ‘like’ or ‘as’. E.g. Heart of gold. The apple is a little green sun, bright and round. Please don’t worry if you are unable to think of anything as this is something we will be doing next week. Any support at home is greatly appreciated though.

During maths we have been looking at analogue and digital clocks. Time is always a tricky concept to grasp, so please continue to support your child with their understanding of telling the time.

Mrs Jones will be extending her reach, working with children across the school and to allow her to do so we have a new teaching assistant Mrs Evans. Mrs Evans has already made a positive impact with her presence and support this week and has even joined in with a game of football at playtime. She is a very welcome addition to Year 4.

Thanks to Mrs Jones for all of her kindness, support and help.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Miss H Hughes and Mrs Evans

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