All admissions requests must be made centrally via the Admissions Officer at Neath Port Talbot Local Authority. They control and administer the entry of children to our school. This is the case for all maintained schools in our authority. However, please also contact the school as we can support you through this process and ensure that you as a family feel part of our school community prior to your child starting school.
Children are admitted into our part-time Nursery on an agreed date after their third birthday. Arrangements will be made with you, as parents, to visit the school and meet with the staff during the term before your child starts Nursery Education. These events are always successful and give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with staff, the setting and other parents before your child starts with us.
Children aged 4+ are admitted into our full time Reception class in the September of each school year. Written confirmation of the offer of a place for your child at the school must be received before the closing date set. This varies annually but is usually sometime in February/March before your child attends school in the Autumn Term. It is essential that parents ensure the return of the completed School Admission Form to the Local Authority.