Author: Dani M

Information for parents regarding ALN Reform


What does ALN mean?

At Alltwen Primary School , we are proud of the support that we offer for learners with Additional Learning Needs. All learners within the school are supported well and we have positive working relationships with learners and their families as well as other individuals and organisations that work with the young person. The support, guidance and interventions that we offer are tailored to meet the needs of each learner individually and this support is monitored and adapted in a pupil-centred way.

Additional Learning Needs legislation in Wales has changed. It is now known as ‘The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Reform’.  At Alltwen, we are working hard and are  prepared for these changes as well as looking forward to the additional support that this will now bring.

The law has changed for several reasons, as previously:

  • The child or young person’s needs might be found too late
  • The support might be provided to the young person too late
  • The young person and their parents/carers might not be involved enough in planning
  • The current system can be complicated to understand
  • The law only currently covers children and young people up to the age of 19


The new legislation for ALN will now bring about several main changes.

  • It brings together all current systems into a new, single system for ALN
  • It is pupil-centred, where young people and their parents are completely involved in decision making
  • It provides learners with the same type of statutory plan (Individual Development Plan or IDP), irrespective of age or setting
  • It improves transition between settings
  • It allows further Welsh language provision
  • It is a fair and transparent system.

Supporting information is available for parents and learners to explain the changes that has come into place. Below, you will find links to help sheets and further information about how the new changes will now affect learners and their families.

However, if you require any further information about the changes, you can contact us at school and ask to speak Miss Rhian Hughes the Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo).



Letter from Director to all Parents re ALNET


For further information please click on the links below:







A link to a narrated powerpoint on the ALN Reform 

The new Inclusion Service website is now live and can be accessed via the following link.

Information for Parents

The world is changing.

There are lots of new challenges that will need new technology and new ideas.

The Welsh Government wants you to have the knowledge, skills and experiences to succeed in life.



Please click here to find information about the new curriculum in Wales and the exciting changes it will bring to our school.


Also, you can find out more by clicking on the link below.

A guide for children, young people and their families. 


Safeguarding Team

An important notice for all staff, pupils, governors and visitors.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means:

·         protecting children from abuse and maltreatment

·         preventing harm to children’s health or development

·         ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care

·         taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.

What is Child Protection?

Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

Our Procedures

The school is committed to safeguarding and child protection and as such has in place policies that are designed to protect pupils and staff.   Copies of these policies are available on the school website or from the school office.

Staff, Governors and Volunteers at the school

Before someone new comes to work or volunteer at our school, we have in place rigorous safer recruitment processes. These include background checks such as enhanced DBS checks and references.

All staff receive regular training in safeguarding and child protection. Governors and our volunteers are also encouraged to attend.

If you have a concern

We hope you will never need to use this process, however, if you have a concern about a child please speak to someone below as soon as possible:

Designated Child Protection Officer

Mrs G. Herbert


Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer

Mr A. Davies

(Deputy Headteacher)


If you have any queries please contact the school office for assistance.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 1st October.

Another week complete. Can you believe we are already into October. Not long until its December and Christmas.

In English this week, we have been looking at different types of sentences: simple, compound and complex sentences.

What type of sentence do you think this is?

Today, I went to the shop and bought a bar of chocolate however, by the time I got home it had melted.


In Maths we have been learning different ways to add and subtract using mental strategies such as partitioning, mentally (writing the answer straight down and frog hopping (when counting up).


In our Topic work, we have started our topic on ‘This is me – Charity’.

We have learnt the terms:  ‘Philanthropists, Altruists and Humanitarians’. We created a database of famous philanthropists and researched why they are known Philanthropists.

Do you know what a Philanthropist is? 


We are looking forward to another busy week next week.

Have a good weekend

from Year 5.