It’s end of yet another busy week. The children performed their song beautifully yesterday and they all looked fantastic in their costumes. Thanks again for supporting us with the costumes you provided.
In Maths we’ve had a continued focus on teen numbers, talking about the tens column and the ones column e.g. 17 has one ten and seven ones etc.
There has been a continued focus on writing sentences and thinking about the position of the ascenders (things above the line) and descenders (things below the line) when writing upper case and lower case letters. Also, focusing on the size of our writing and finger spaces between words. If you could continue to focus on writing sentences at home using the spellings for this week, which are linked to our phonics lessons, we have looked at the digraph ‘ar’ (card, park, cart, hard and shark), that would be very helpful.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela