
Our Governors are elected and represented by the local community, parents, teachers, staff and the LA.  Governors serve a term of office of four years.  The Full Governing Body meets at least termly with sub-committees meeting more regularly to discuss specific matters i.e. finance, the curriculum and Health and Safety. Our Governors are a group of people working together with a common purpose. Each Governor member has unique qualities, experience, skills and special interests that must be integrated with those of other members. The Governors of our school have no powers to act as individuals unless very specific tasks have been delegated to them by the Full Governing Body with the majority of functions and decisions exercised corporately.

The Governing Body produces an annual report which is available on request.   The community can request up to three meetings per year with the Governing Body via a petition. The Governing Body will hold a meeting within 25 school days of receiving the petition, providing that:

  1. the petition contains the signatures of the required minimum number of parents of registered pupils at the school, which is the lower of the following:

(a) the parents of 10% of registered pupils, or

(b) the parents of 30 registered pupils (Calculated by using the number of registered pupils at the school on the date that the petition is received.)

  1. the meeting requested by parents must be to discuss a matter relating to the school.
  2. there will be no more than three meetings held during the year in which the first petition is received.
  3. there are sufficient school days left in the school year for the meeting to be held.

The meeting is open to all parents of registered pupils at the school, the Headteacher and any other persons invited by the Governing Body. As soon as reasonably practicable, the Governing Body must notify all parents of registered pupils at the school in writing, the date of the meeting and the matter to be discussed.

For more information please follow the link:-



Chair person/Safeguarding Governor Mrs Laura Davies

   Contact details –

Vice Chair person/Local Authority Miss Helen Watkins
Secretary Mrs Suzanne Rees
Teaching representative Mrs Danielle Moran
Non-teaching representative Mrs Lisa Jones
Local Authority Councillor Nia Jenkins
Local Authority Rev Jeffrey Thomas
Community Representative Mr Andy Williams
Community Representative Mr Ian Jones
Community Representative Mr Dean Baker
Community Representative Mrs Ceri-Anne Kieft
Parent Representative Mr Matthew Hall
Parent Representative Mrs Chantelle Haynes
Headteacher Mrs Gayle Herbert