Author: Dani M

Year 5 -Weekly Evaluations 4th December 2020

We have thoroughly enjoyed school this week especially filming our Christmas concert on Tuesday. (Don’t forget orders for your own copy of the DVD need to be in ASAP).

In class, we have focused mainly on our Science topic of ‘Burning’ and investigated factors which affect the rate in which candles burn and what happens when a jar is placed over a candle.

Do you know the 3 main elements of the fire triangle and what helps to accelerate burning?


This week, we were also very lucky to experience a virtual tour and held our own Q and A session with a Celt from Castell Henllys. This was very informative and developed our understanding further of what life as a Celtic was like.

We have also been practicing and refining our Celtic warrior dance ready to perform in our celebration day, which we are all looking forward too.

Year 5 -Weekly Evaluation 20th November

This week, we finished our Celtic blanket. Everyone had a turn at weaving the wool on the ‘loom’ and we are so impressed with the finished result.

In our Maths, we started to have a look at the rules when identifying multiples of certain numbers.

What do you think?  – Is 67 a multiple of 9?  

We will tell you the answer next week.


Also, it was an emotional week in English as we wrote our personification poems on ‘Poppies’. The images created by each poem were very vivid and fantastic. Da iawn Year 5.

In welsh, we have been continuing to write our diary of a Celt using familiar phrases and patterns, and today we started to develop our ideas further by using time connectives and prepositions. Super work!


Next week, we are looking forward to starting our science block as well as practicing our class song for our Christmas Recording, which takes place the following week.

Have you got your Christmas Jumper ready for it?


Year 5 -Weekly Evaluation 13th November 2020

This week has been a busy week.

In Maths, we have been focusing on subtraction using different strategies such as: column subtraction and frog hopping.

In English, we presented our half term homework to the class about the Celts. Every one did a superb job and we learnt lots of new facts about the Celts from the presentations.

We started a new block of missions this week. As a class in our EPIC, we wanted to find out about how the Romans began to invade Celtic areas. Our activities included: map work, a reading comprehensive on Queen Boudicca,  a thinking activity by comparing similarities and differences of the Celts and Romans and Celtic weaving. We can’t wait to see our finished Celtic blanket.



Year 5 Weekly Evaluations 16th October 2020

Once again, we have had an enjoyable week in Year 5. Each week just gets better and better 🙂

Today, we started to choreograph our Celtic dance routine with our partner to display a Celtic war battle. This was a lot of fun and it was amazing to watch everyone participate well. We can’t wait to watch each others final pieces.

This week in our English, we have finally started to write our non-chronological report on Dragons using the text features we have looked at. We have learnt lots of amazing facts about dragons and are able to describe the differences of dragons in Eastern and Western Cultures.

In Maths, we have practiced telling the time and using the 12hour and 24 hour clock. For homework, we are going to reinforce telling the time by looking at a variety of timetables or TV guides.

Finally, last Monday, we had a special visitor via Teams from the Road Safety Team to inform us of how we can stay safe while riding our bikes.

Next week, is our final week before half term starts and it is another busy week. (Halloween costumes at the ready for our class disco on Thursday)


Year 5 Weekly Evaluation 9th October 2020

It has been another busy week in Year 5.

We are fully immersing ourselves into our topic of the Celts. This week, we started our missions in the afternoon. Our focus on the next two weeks are: creating a roundhouse, designing our own Celtic village, researching different jobs of Celts and finally completing a ‘Hit or Miss’ task by deciding on if statements are true or false. We have enjoyed becoming more independent in our learning. The activity with Miss was challenging and involved a lot of mathematical thinking and problem solving when working out costs of a making a roundhouse.

In our maths, we have been working on quick easy ways to multiply by larger numbers using doubling and halving.

eg 123 x 8 =

We could do ‘123 x2=    x2=     x2=     ‘


In our English work, we enjoyed researching about different dragons ready to write our non chronological report next week.

We are looking forward to continuing with our missions next week too.

Weekly Evaluation Year 5- 2nd October 2020

It has been lovely to come back to school and see our friends again. Some things have changed but we are quickly adapting to our new ‘Normal’.

We have started to learn about our new topic called ‘The Celts’. Did you know? Celts put war paint on their bodies before going into war to scare off their opponents. We can’t wait to find out more fun and interesting facts over the next few weeks. We have also started our dance unit of creating a ‘Celtic Haka’.

In our English work, we are studying Non-Chronological reports where we have focused this week on looking at past, present and future tense verbs as well as creating different types of sentences such as simple, compound and complex.

In our Maths work, we have been understanding the rules when multiplying or dividing whole and decimals numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. ( Not just adding a zero!)

We have also started to get into the Christmas spirit by creating our amazing Christmas cards. Please send these back ASAP to school with your order.

We are looking forward to starting our class based missions next week.