Author: Charlotte P

Nursery Weekly Blog

Prynhawn da.

What a fantastic week we have had in Nursery, it is hard to know where to start.

We welcomed a new member to our class which was really exciting because we love making new friends and adding to our nursery team.   We have also been working very hard learning Welsh and practising our skills. We have done this with our friends Fflic and Fflac who have helped us learn how to ask and answer ‘pwy wyt ti?’   Importantly we had a very special assembly about the Welsh Ambulance Service.  We talked all about life saving skills and when to call 999 in an emergency.

There was another big event with a visit from the school photographer.  We were all looking our best to have our first school photograph taken and this includes with our brothers and sisters for some of us.  We cannot wait for you to see the photographs!

We would also like to take this opportunity to say how grateful we all are and to thank you for all the donations we have received in readiness for the upcoming Harvest Festival.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Well, have we had another great week in Nursery!

In maths we are learning our numbers 1-10 and we are all now budding detectives after really enjoying our number hunt outside in the playground.

What made us all happy and smile this week was learning new Nursery rhymes, which we all sang together as a class.

This week our role play area became a Post Office, where we posted the letters we had written to our friends.

Importantly, we want to say a big thank you for making our Friday morning extra special this week. You helped us raise money for our Macmillan Coffee Morning and we are very grateful for your support.  Also, we enjoyed delicious milkshakes and tasty cupcakes in the process of raising money, thank you from us all!

People Who Help Us

WOW, have we been busy!

Nursery class have been exploring our topic ‘People who help us’. We made thank you videos for all the different professionals that work hard to keep us all safe including doctors, nurses, policemen, paramedics, postal workers, shop assistants and many more. We have had lots of fun in our doctor’s surgery role play area, learning how to make the teddies all better. We enjoyed dressing up as lollypop men and ladies, so we all understand the importance of road safely. Another important safety topic which we discussed is fire safety where we dressed up as members of the fire brigade and put out our own pretend fires.

Throughout the weeks we have enjoyed fiction and non-fiction books around our special topic. We found out lots of information and facts on the special roles of people who help us including, uniforms, transport and lots more.

What made us all happy was making friends and welcoming new members into our classroom team.