Weekly Evaluations 22/11

What another busy week it has been! But it has been a memorable and enjoyable week.

On Wednesday we took part in Cycle Craft with Gethin where we learnt how to ride a bike safely with the use of signalling. Well done to everyone who passed Level 1 and progressed onto Level 2.


In our work this week we have mostly focused on Science. We used our understanding of series and parallel circuits from last week to plan a fair test to see whether the amount of voltage applied would change the brightness of a bulb.


In our Welsh, we have recapped on past tense patterns and started to used these to create paragraphs.

Ar dydd Sadwrn, es i i Ffranc gyda mam, dad a dau brawd (Tom a Sam ydy nhw). Es i mewn awyren. Yn y awyren, bwytais i siocled a yfais i sudd oren.

Yn Ffranc, yn y bore cerddais i Eiffel Tower. Wrth y Eiffel Tower, prynais i snails a frogs legs. Yn fy marn i, dw i’n hoffi bwyta frogs legs achos mae’n flasus.

Ble est ti?


In our maths, we have been developing a variety of ways of solving multiplication problems by doubling, halving and with the use of partitioning.


Weekly Evaluations 15/11

This week we started the week in a sombre way by leading the whole school in our Remembrance Assembly for Armistice day. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents who commemorated with us.



This week our main focus has been on learning about circuits as part of our science. We investigated circuits by trying to light a number of light bulbs. This was trickier than it looked. We then learnt about the difference between series and parallel circuits.

Which type of circuit would be used to light up a house?


In our maths work , we have practiced subtracting a range of whole and mixed decimals by using our preferred strategies of either frog hopping, mental subtracting or column subtracting. To guide us before working out the answer we estimated using rounding first.


Happy Children in Need Day.

Today we celebrated Children in Need by either wearing a yellow T-shirt or by wearing something related to Pudsey. We also took part in Joe Wicks ‘On the move session’, guess the middle name of Pudsey and enjoyed delicious healthy snacks. Thank you for all donations given.


Next week we have cycle craft for 3 days (Wednesday to Friday)- bikes can be left in school on the Wednesday until the Friday.

Please do not forget helmets!


Also Thursday is our Internet Safety Evening and our website launch.

Weekly evaluation 4/11

It was lovely to return after our half term break feeling refreshed, energised and excited for the next couple of weeks.

On Thursday, we visited Cwmtawe to take part in a PE based skills morning with Year 9 and  10 pupils as well as Cwmtawe staff. We participated in a range of activities such as dance, ball skills, athletics and circuit training with Llangwig Primary.

“It was the most enjoyable session we have had in Cwmtawe so far.” Cadan

“I enjoyed meeting new people in other schools,  who will be working with in September.”


Congratulations to our very own athlete Ffynan who received a certificate for being the fastest 40m sprinter and for the longest standing long jump (2m) Da iawn.

This week we have also worked hard practicing for our special Armistice Assembly on Monday.

We have finally finished our persuasive writing and written our own reports on our chosen topics as well as presenting them to the class.

Weekly Evaluation 18/10

This week has been another busy week, lots of exciting things have happened.

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to listen to our future musicians perform a concert for us. Da iawn to the year 6 violinists who performed pieces as a solo as well as part of a group. We were also treated to a rendition of Queens ‘Bahamian Rhapsody’ by Niamh on the piano. #goosebumps

In our English work, we have been continuing to work on our persuasive writing and this week we researched the benefits of the ‘Daily Mile’ in school and are in the process of writing a letter to Mr Hyett and the Governors about introducing into our school. Watch this space!

In our maths work, we have been investigating how to convert a range of measurements. Do you know how many km are in a mile?

In welsh, we have been enthusiastic to change present tense verbs into the past. Ar dydd Mawrth, dysgais i yn cymraeg ‘Oes Fictoria’. Roedd hi’n arddechog.

In topic, we have been spoilt this week by Hari, who has made us a range of Victorian treats. First it was a Victorian sponge, then fruit tea and today we have tasted Victorian rice pudding. Any requests of what he can make next?

We have also finished creating our dance sequence to the tune ‘Oom Pah Pah’ from Oliver Twist and are ready to showcase them to the class.

Final week next week before half term.

Also good luck to Wales on Sunday for their quarter final match.

Year 6




Weekly evaluation 11/10

It has been another fantastic week here in Year 6. Lots of  enjoyable memories created especially watching Wales beat Fiji on Wednesday. What a nail biting game that was!!  We are looking forward to the game on Sunday morning. Come on Wales!

Many of us on Tuesday, were part of the ‘Walk to school’ led by the Road Safety team. We are hoping for more of these in the future. Chloe also came in to talk to us about Seatbelt Safety. Did you Know!- If you don’t wear your seatbelt in a car,  you could actually put your own life and others in danger. Think and click!

In our English work this week, we have focused on creating our complex sentences and understanding clauses/subordinate clauses. We also became the ‘teacher’ and demonstrated ways of improving a piece of persuasive work.

In maths, we continued looking at algebra and the use of brackets when solving number sentences.

In our topic work, we enjoyed comparing life between rich and poor Victorian children and imagined what life must have been like for both.  We found out a rich Victorian child’s life was quite sad and lonely compared to a poorer Victorian child. In addition, as part of our dance unit, we created our own group dance to the song ‘Oom pah pah’ from Oliver Twist.  We are looking forward to showcasing it next week to the other groups.

Only 2 weeks left until half term but two extremely busy weeks!

Weekly Evaluation 4/10

What can we say? It has been another extremely busy week here in Year 6.

First of all. we experienced our first transition day in Cwmtawe Comprehensive School on Monday. It was a fun packed but also nerve wracking day. By the end of the day we not only started to find our way around the school but also created a music video and poster to promote ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams. We can’t wait to go back!

In English, as part of our homework task, we had to invent a new product and present our advert to the class. Kaitlyn even invented a jingle for her advert 🙂 Da iawn Kaitlyn.

‘Bubble yum, fruity flavoured taste sensation.

Bubble yum’

In maths we have been putting our brains to the test with ‘algebra’. This proved a lot of fun and we enjoyed solving different algebraic problems.

Can you solve this:

9a + a x c = 320.

What is a and c ?


Lastly, in our topic work, we created a timeline to show main Victorian events and when they took place.

Did you know? that the first public flushing toilet opened in London in 1852.

Can you imagine not having a toilet which flushed!


Next week is also extremely busy- keep tuned to find out more…


Evaluation 27/9

This week has been another busy but exciting week. We have finished our 2 week swimming block and are now much more confident and enthusiastic to go swimming in future.

In English, we started to look at another persuasive text ‘letters/articles’ and text marked certain features. This will help us when we come to write our own.

In Maths, we reinforced rounding numbers to nearest whole number, tenth and hundredth. We then applied this when adding decimal numbers by estimating first.

In Topic, we are taking the lead on our learning through EPIC (Everyone Plans in Class), by thinking of a range of focused questions of what we want to find out about in the topic ‘Children of the Revolution’.

It’s that time of year again – ‘Christmas Cards’. Parents please keep an eye out for our amazing creations being sent home next week.

Lastly, to the best news of all. Our Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies were chosen. Congratulations to:

Head Boy – Aiden D

Head Girl – Maya R

Deputy Head Boy – Haydn J

Deputy Head Girl – Antonia P

You all will be amazing in your role!

The standard was exceptionally high once again. Thank you to all who took time in practicing and presenting their speeches.

Evaluation 20th Sept

Wow! What a busy week this week has been. Not only have we been swimming everyday, we have also been to St Fagans on our school trip with year 5 and on Thursday we were part of a session about Young Carers. Also many of us have presented our speech to the school to apply for the role of Head Boy/Girl. We have a nervous wait to find out the successful candidates.

In our English work we have been learning about persuasive writing and created our own persuasive poster using our super selling checklist.

Examples of some of our posters







In Maths, we have been recapping on place value and understanding the rules when rounding a range of numbers to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth.

St Fagans

On Wednesday, our class and Year 5 were lucky enough to visit St Fagans as part of our topic on ‘Children of the Revolution’. We took part in two informative workshops.

We became Victorian children and experienced what life was like in a Victorian School. We learnt the 3R’s by a very strict teacher. We also travelled through time from 1800’s to the present day of how life in Wales has evolved over time and how lifestyles changed.

It was a fun filled, historical and hands on day where we learnt lots of interesting information through first hand experience which will help us throughout our topic.

By Year 6