WOW, have we been busy!
Nursery class have been exploring our topic ‘People who help us’. We made thank you videos for all the different professionals that work hard to keep us all safe including doctors, nurses, policemen, paramedics, postal workers, shop assistants and many more. We have had lots of fun in our doctor’s surgery role play area, learning how to make the teddies all better. We enjoyed dressing up as lollypop men and ladies, so we all understand the importance of road safely. Another important safety topic which we discussed is fire safety where we dressed up as members of the fire brigade and put out our own pretend fires.
Throughout the weeks we have enjoyed fiction and non-fiction books around our special topic. We found out lots of information and facts on the special roles of people who help us including, uniforms, transport and lots more.
What made us all happy was making friends and welcoming new members into our classroom team.