Weekly Evaluation 24/1/2020

We have enjoyed our learning this week especially creating our own personification poem and learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases.


Even though, creating our own poem was challenging, we persevered and succeeded by creating a range of excellent and very descriptive poems about National emblems of Wales such as daffodils, leeks as well as describing the Welsh landscape.

After weeks of studying fractions, we have finally moved on and have started to look at area and perimeter of a range of shapes. We have looked at using different formulas to calculate the areas of triangle, regular polygons and parallelograms.

In Science, we studied the properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases and completed a sorting activity to determine which chemical process takes place and whether the process if reversible or irreversible.

eg- melting chocolate

solid to a liquid through melting at a high temperature. Its a reversible change as you can freeze it at a low temperature to change it back to a solid.

We are looking forward to our workshop next week with Mr Pugh to observe a range of different chemical reactions and develop our understanding of changes of state further.

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