Year 1 Weekly Evalauation

The children are doing well with the two times table. A few of the children are now developing instant recall. Please continue to focus on this and start the same with the 5 times table. Write the five times table together e.g., 1×5=5 2×5=10 etc.  Give them an opportunity to rehearse it throughout the day. Each child will respond to this differently, some will find it easy, others will need extra time. Please support them to learn at their pace, remembering it’s not a race.

Money has once again been a focus in School and is something that will need continual revision and reinforcement at home. Reminding the children of the value of each coin, asking them to make amounts of money using two or three different coins e.g.  Ask the child if they can collect coins to make an amount such as 13p (10p+2p+1p), explore how different coins can be used to make the same total. Keep this as an ongoing activity at home. It will develop their confidence with money and is an excellent way to reinforce addition skills. We will be focusing on addition and subtraction next week. Maybe explore giving change using money with your child and write a subtraction number sentence together as you do so. An example would be mention that a toy costs 7p but you only have a 10p coin, how much change will I have? 10p-7p=3p etc.

There are five ‘Tricky’ words to learn this week, we call them tricky words because you can’t sound them out.  (my, some, of, who, were,). Once again if you can use these words in sentences, reinforcing the need to start a sentence with a capital letter, end the sentence with a full stop, sit words on the line and use finger spaces then that would be very helpful. Try writing your sentences with the conjunctions   ‘and’, ‘because’. The cat sat on the mat and fell asleep. I am going to the park because I want to run in the grass.

Yesterday, Sri Lanka celebrated their independence day, Mrs Doolwela who was born there, helped us as part of our curriculum, understanding global citizenship, to gain a wider understanding of her country. We saw traditional dancing, which we tried ourselves, heard traditional music and studied the Sri Lankan flag.  I hope you enjoyed seeing your child’s name in their language too, we were very excited to learn about Mrs Doolwela’s homeland.

Have a great weekend.

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson, Mrs Doolwela and Mrs Llewellyn

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