Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 10.12.21

This week we’ve been super creative, it has been as busy as Santa’s workshop in the North Pole! The children have created wonderful cards and decorations to take home. Thank you for sending in a bag with their name on it, it’s been very helpful to us.

In maths we’ve been focusing on subtraction and creating number sentences to make amounts e.g.  10-4=6. This is something that can also be reinforced at home. If you have blocks, buttons, beads or even breakfast cereal, give your child 10 items, count them together and then take some away. Talk about how many you have taken away and how many are left. Create a number sentence to represent what you have done, use language such as subtraction or take away, equals etc and really break the process down for them. Explore how many different number sentences you can make together, e.g., 6-4=2, 5-3=2 etc… You can build this up in time, using 20 items or more.

I have given 5 spellings to the children this week (fork, fort, storm, born and cork) which can be found on J2e.  Once again, it would be a great idea if you can make sentences at home using the spellings each week e.g. The fort was strong. As you write sentences together remember to focus on a capital letter at the start on a sentence, finger spaces in between words and a full stop at the end of the sentence. If your child is reversing their letters remind them to have another look and model how to write the letter correctly.

As mentioned previously it is really important to get the children used to sitting down at a desk and having a go at writing sentences. Ten minutes a day would be a great start, although I know many of you already do more. If you are having any problems and need me to help encourage the children to work for you at home please ask.

Have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela.

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