Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 19.11.21

Lots of fun with Pudsey!

Thank you for all of the support and donations today; Pudsey day was amazing fun.

In Maths we’ve been continuing our focus on number. Ordering numbers, finding one more or one less than a number and estimating numbers of objects. In maths we explain to the children that an estimate is a sensible guess. Today we estimated how many sweets were in a jar as part of our Children in Need activities. At home you could estimate how many blocks are in a bag, how many tins are in the cupboard, how many biscuits are in the tin etc.

We have continued our work on writing sentences with a focus on using a capital letter at the start of the sentence, using finger spaces in between words, writing words on the line and using a full stop at the end of the sentence.

We had a creative afternoon this week, I hope you enjoyed seeing the creations the children had made. They were delighted to be able to show you at home.

The spelling tests went well today. In phonics lessons we’ve been learning about the digraph (two letters making one sound) ‘oo’ (the long version).  The spelling words to learn this week are (zoo, moon, food, hoof and boot).

Just a quick thank you for taking the time to speak with me in parents evening this week. There were several technical difficulties, however, I like to think we can overcome computer issues and I was glad to catch up with some of you at the gate. Please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me if you have any questions.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

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