Year 1 Weekly Evaluation

We have really enjoyed sharing pictures and photographs of each other’s homes this week. We used this information (data) to explore the different types of home the children live in. We collected the data, represented it in a table and showed the results using a bar graph. The children were fully engaged in this activity and it was lovely to see them take pride in their bar graphs.

We also continued our focus on measure and the children used non standard units of measure (cubes) to measure objects within the classroom. I am delighted with the progress the children are showing with their number recognition and writing numbers to 20 and beyond. It’s a real treat for a teacher to see their pupils develop mathematical confidence. Thank you for supporting them at home with this.

We’ve been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s since September. This week we’ve started to look at the two times table saying 1×2 =2, 2×2 = 4 etc If you can write the two times table down together at home and take time to learn them it would certainly support their ability to answer times tables questions at school. This will take more time for some children than others, it’s not a race, its better to give your child the time they need to learn them at a comfortable pace that suits their learning ability

Next week we’re looking at ‘money’ in maths. If you could get a collection of coins for the children to look at this weekend that would be useful. Talk about each coin 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Talk about the size of the coins, look at the numbers etc Really let them explore each coin and become familiar with its value. This will allow us to start counting with coins next week and utilise all of the time we have in class using the coins to make amounts.

There are five new high frequency words to learn this week, (going, all, see, away, they). Let’s get everyone in the five out of five club.

Once again, thank you for all of the support you provide at home which reinforces the learning at School.

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

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