It has been another busy week in Year 5.
We are fully immersing ourselves into our topic of the Celts. This week, we started our missions in the afternoon. Our focus on the next two weeks are: creating a roundhouse, designing our own Celtic village, researching different jobs of Celts and finally completing a ‘Hit or Miss’ task by deciding on if statements are true or false. We have enjoyed becoming more independent in our learning. The activity with Miss was challenging and involved a lot of mathematical thinking and problem solving when working out costs of a making a roundhouse.
In our maths, we have been working on quick easy ways to multiply by larger numbers using doubling and halving.
eg 123 x 8 =
We could do ‘123 x2= x2= x2= ‘
In our English work, we enjoyed researching about different dragons ready to write our non chronological report next week.
We are looking forward to continuing with our missions next week too.