Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 12.11.21

It’s been a very busy week and there has been a lot of learning fun.

In Maths we’ve been visiting number once again. Ordering numbers from 1-20. Finding one more or one less than a number and ordering numbers from the smallest to largest. It would be great if you could reinforce the learning at home too. If you have number cards or even just write numbers on pieces of paper from 1-20 for them to order when you jumble them up. Choose 3 random numbers e.g. 15, 6 and 12 and ask them to put them in the correct order from smallest to largest. They enjoy the challenge of working it out and of course the praise when they do so correctly.

Work has continued on ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. We created a story map by drawing pictures to describe the story and later sequenced the story using the pages of the book. Creating a story map for any book you read at home with the children is a lovely thing to do and an opportunity to use vocabulary to describe the characters and setting and talk about events that happen in the beginning, middle and end of a story. We have also written sentences to describe what is happening. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to write sentences at home; it is fantastic to see the progress that can be made when the time is invested doing so.

Topic lessons this week have had a continued focus on Healthy Eating and exercise.

Once again, the spelling tests went well today. Lots of children are in the five out of five club and all children are eager to join. Please continue to support them to learn their five words. In phonics lessons we’ve been learning about the digraph (two letters making one sound) ‘oa’.  The spelling words to learn this week are (goat, road, coal, float and coat).

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

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