This week has been busy once more, the children have been enjoying the start of our topic, ‘Home is where the heart is.’ The pictures the children sent in of their homes were lovely and the photographs were great. We have been exploring the different types of homes people live in and also learning new Welsh vocabulary to describe the different types of home.
In maths we have been looking at position and direction using language such as left, right, top, middle, bottom, on top of, in front of, behind, above, below, between, under, over, near, beside, close, far, up, down, inside and outside. Also, we have been looking at measure using language such as shorter and longer. At home if you could use the language for position and direction that would be lovely. It would be very helpful if you could ask the children to draw and measure lines using a cm ruler, this skill will take some time to master.
There are five new high frequency words to learn this week, (he, she, come, this, am).
Thank you for all of the support you provide at home which reinforces the learning at School.
Have a super weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela