Author: HelenH

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation

The end of another busy week of learning.

The children are doing well with the two times table. A few of the children know it all and they are so pleased to be able to recite it in class and answer questions using instant recall. If you can support your child to get to that point it would be wonderful.

We have focused on money this week and if you could continue the focus at home that would be great. As previously mentioned if you could get a collection of coins for the children, talk about each coin 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Talk about the size of the coins, look at the numbers etc Really let them explore each coin and become familiar with its value. Then ask them to select two coins and write a number sentence e.g. 10p + 2p= etc. This is something that will need to be repeated over and over to help the children gain an understanding.  

There are five ‘Tricky’ words to learn this week, we call them tricky words because you can’t sound them out.  (because, was, I, the, to). Once again if you can use these words in sentences, reinforcing the need to start a sentence with a capital letter, end the sentence with a full stop, sit words on the line and use finger spaces then that would be very helpful.

We have also been exploring reading strategies in class this week. Please see the ‘Reading Strategies’ sheet I have shared on J2e, I hope this helps when you read with your child at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Very best wishes

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson, Mrs Doolwela and Mrs Llewellyn

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation

We have really enjoyed sharing pictures and photographs of each other’s homes this week. We used this information (data) to explore the different types of home the children live in. We collected the data, represented it in a table and showed the results using a bar graph. The children were fully engaged in this activity and it was lovely to see them take pride in their bar graphs.

We also continued our focus on measure and the children used non standard units of measure (cubes) to measure objects within the classroom. I am delighted with the progress the children are showing with their number recognition and writing numbers to 20 and beyond. It’s a real treat for a teacher to see their pupils develop mathematical confidence. Thank you for supporting them at home with this.

We’ve been counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s since September. This week we’ve started to look at the two times table saying 1×2 =2, 2×2 = 4 etc If you can write the two times table down together at home and take time to learn them it would certainly support their ability to answer times tables questions at school. This will take more time for some children than others, it’s not a race, its better to give your child the time they need to learn them at a comfortable pace that suits their learning ability

Next week we’re looking at ‘money’ in maths. If you could get a collection of coins for the children to look at this weekend that would be useful. Talk about each coin 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Talk about the size of the coins, look at the numbers etc Really let them explore each coin and become familiar with its value. This will allow us to start counting with coins next week and utilise all of the time we have in class using the coins to make amounts.

There are five new high frequency words to learn this week, (going, all, see, away, they). Let’s get everyone in the five out of five club.

Once again, thank you for all of the support you provide at home which reinforces the learning at School.

Have a great weekend.

Best wishes

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation

This week has been busy once more, the children have been enjoying the start of our topic, ‘Home is where the heart is.’ The pictures the children sent in of their homes were lovely and the photographs were great. We have been exploring the different types of homes people live in and also learning new Welsh vocabulary to describe the different types of home.

In maths we have been looking at position and direction using language such as left, right, top, middle, bottom, on top of, in front of, behind, above, below, between, under, over, near, beside, close, far, up, down, inside and outside. Also, we have been looking at measure using language such as shorter and longer. At home if you could use the language for position and direction that would be lovely. It would be very helpful if you could ask the children to draw and measure lines using a cm ruler, this skill will take some time to master.

There are five new high frequency words to learn this week, (he, she, come, this, am).

Thank you for all of the support you provide at home which reinforces the learning at School.

Have a super weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation

Happy New Year!
It has been a short week for the children but it was lovely to see them back in School ready for lots of learning fun.
This week I have been assessing the children’s ability to identify and write numbers from 0-20 without reversals, also, to identify and write the letters of the alphabet, some are still finding this tricky. It would be helpful if you could do this together at home.
Our topic this term is ‘Home is where the heart is.’ Could you please ask the children to draw a picture of your home for home work. If you can send in a picture of your house too that would be great. Discuss what type of building it is e.g. detached, semi-detached, a flat etc…
Also, please continue to use bug club as a resource, it really is a fun way for the children to learn.
We have been fortunate enough to have 19 new iPads in class and to enable your child to access them with ease at School, can you please encourage them to log in at home independently. If you are having any log in issues, please let me know.
We are learning to spell high frequency words, basically words the children need to know to help them with their sentence writing. This week could they please learn  ( was, went, can, yes, are).
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 10.12.21

This week we’ve been super creative, it has been as busy as Santa’s workshop in the North Pole! The children have created wonderful cards and decorations to take home. Thank you for sending in a bag with their name on it, it’s been very helpful to us.

In maths we’ve been focusing on subtraction and creating number sentences to make amounts e.g.  10-4=6. This is something that can also be reinforced at home. If you have blocks, buttons, beads or even breakfast cereal, give your child 10 items, count them together and then take some away. Talk about how many you have taken away and how many are left. Create a number sentence to represent what you have done, use language such as subtraction or take away, equals etc and really break the process down for them. Explore how many different number sentences you can make together, e.g., 6-4=2, 5-3=2 etc… You can build this up in time, using 20 items or more.

I have given 5 spellings to the children this week (fork, fort, storm, born and cork) which can be found on J2e.  Once again, it would be a great idea if you can make sentences at home using the spellings each week e.g. The fort was strong. As you write sentences together remember to focus on a capital letter at the start on a sentence, finger spaces in between words and a full stop at the end of the sentence. If your child is reversing their letters remind them to have another look and model how to write the letter correctly.

As mentioned previously it is really important to get the children used to sitting down at a desk and having a go at writing sentences. Ten minutes a day would be a great start, although I know many of you already do more. If you are having any problems and need me to help encourage the children to work for you at home please ask.

Have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela.

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 3.12.21

It’s end of yet another busy week. The children performed their song beautifully yesterday and they all looked fantastic in their costumes. Thanks again for supporting us with the costumes you provided.
In Maths we’ve had a continued focus on teen numbers, talking about the tens column and the ones column e.g. 17 has one ten and seven ones etc.
There has been a continued focus on writing sentences and thinking about the position of the ascenders (things above the line) and descenders (things below the line) when writing upper case and lower case letters. Also, focusing on the size of our writing and finger spaces between words. If you could continue to focus on writing sentences at home using the spellings for this week, which are linked to our phonics lessons, we have looked at the digraph ‘ar’ (card, park, cart, hard and shark), that would be very helpful.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 26.11.21

Firstly, thank you for sending in the beautiful costumes. The children are singing a song called ‘The tree of light’ and rehearsals are going well. We shall be filming on Thursday next week. We’ve been very busy creating hats and lanterns for the Christmas performance and have produced some lovely accessories to complete the outfits. Please send the children to School in their uniform on the day and they’ll get changed into their costumes in class.
In Maths we’ve been looking at teen numbers. Some children are reversing the tens column with the ones column when they write a number e.g. 41 instead of 14 etc. If you can talk about this at home that would be great.
We have had a massive focus on handwriting this week. Using cursive writing and thinking about the position of the ascenders (things above the line) and descenders (things below the line) when writing upper case and lower case letters. Also a focus on the size of our writing, some children are writing over two lines or using a mixture of large or small sized writing within a sentence. If you could continue to focus on writing sentences at home using the spellings for this week, which are linked to the short version of ‘oo’ (cook, hook, book, foot and brook), that would be great.
Once again, thanks for your continued support. The work you do at home with the children is so important to their learning journey.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 19.11.21

Lots of fun with Pudsey!

Thank you for all of the support and donations today; Pudsey day was amazing fun.

In Maths we’ve been continuing our focus on number. Ordering numbers, finding one more or one less than a number and estimating numbers of objects. In maths we explain to the children that an estimate is a sensible guess. Today we estimated how many sweets were in a jar as part of our Children in Need activities. At home you could estimate how many blocks are in a bag, how many tins are in the cupboard, how many biscuits are in the tin etc.

We have continued our work on writing sentences with a focus on using a capital letter at the start of the sentence, using finger spaces in between words, writing words on the line and using a full stop at the end of the sentence.

We had a creative afternoon this week, I hope you enjoyed seeing the creations the children had made. They were delighted to be able to show you at home.

The spelling tests went well today. In phonics lessons we’ve been learning about the digraph (two letters making one sound) ‘oo’ (the long version).  The spelling words to learn this week are (zoo, moon, food, hoof and boot).

Just a quick thank you for taking the time to speak with me in parents evening this week. There were several technical difficulties, however, I like to think we can overcome computer issues and I was glad to catch up with some of you at the gate. Please don’t hesitate to come and speak to me if you have any questions.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela

Year 1 Weekly Evaluation 12.11.21

It’s been a very busy week and there has been a lot of learning fun.

In Maths we’ve been visiting number once again. Ordering numbers from 1-20. Finding one more or one less than a number and ordering numbers from the smallest to largest. It would be great if you could reinforce the learning at home too. If you have number cards or even just write numbers on pieces of paper from 1-20 for them to order when you jumble them up. Choose 3 random numbers e.g. 15, 6 and 12 and ask them to put them in the correct order from smallest to largest. They enjoy the challenge of working it out and of course the praise when they do so correctly.

Work has continued on ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. We created a story map by drawing pictures to describe the story and later sequenced the story using the pages of the book. Creating a story map for any book you read at home with the children is a lovely thing to do and an opportunity to use vocabulary to describe the characters and setting and talk about events that happen in the beginning, middle and end of a story. We have also written sentences to describe what is happening. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to write sentences at home; it is fantastic to see the progress that can be made when the time is invested doing so.

Topic lessons this week have had a continued focus on Healthy Eating and exercise.

Once again, the spelling tests went well today. Lots of children are in the five out of five club and all children are eager to join. Please continue to support them to learn their five words. In phonics lessons we’ve been learning about the digraph (two letters making one sound) ‘oa’.  The spelling words to learn this week are (goat, road, coal, float and coat).

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Miss Hughes, Miss Merson and Mrs Doolwela