The end of another busy week of learning.
The children are doing well with the two times table. A few of the children know it all and they are so pleased to be able to recite it in class and answer questions using instant recall. If you can support your child to get to that point it would be wonderful.
We have focused on money this week and if you could continue the focus at home that would be great. As previously mentioned if you could get a collection of coins for the children, talk about each coin 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Talk about the size of the coins, look at the numbers etc Really let them explore each coin and become familiar with its value. Then ask them to select two coins and write a number sentence e.g. 10p + 2p= etc. This is something that will need to be repeated over and over to help the children gain an understanding.
There are five ‘Tricky’ words to learn this week, we call them tricky words because you can’t sound them out. (because, was, I, the, to). Once again if you can use these words in sentences, reinforcing the need to start a sentence with a capital letter, end the sentence with a full stop, sit words on the line and use finger spaces then that would be very helpful.
We have also been exploring reading strategies in class this week. Please see the ‘Reading Strategies’ sheet I have shared on J2e, I hope this helps when you read with your child at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Very best wishes
Miss Hughes, Miss Merson, Mrs Doolwela and Mrs Llewellyn